Iris Reborn v0.2.0 Stages and beyond!

This was tiring, but we've finally come to our first milestone, stages! No longer is the game contained onto the one tiny stage, it's now contained into 3 tiny stages, that are the same except one is even smaller!! 

Jokes aside, this update adds a starting boss-free area and a portal to the north to start the boss-rush. Not only that, there's also a new (recoloured) boss featuring a non straight bullet that I spent way too long breaking my brain over and somewhat deciding to stop with what I think is a decent implementation, at least for now. The bosses might feel a little more lackluster right now, due to having removed the 5th phase on the original boss, also having 4  phases on the new boss and them having less individual health than the one from last update. But the combined amount of attacks and hp is more. I want to wait on working a bit more on the player's attacks before investing more time into them. 

Beyond that, sfx has been slightly readjusted. And I have yet again postponed doing Iris walking sprite. I'll get to it soon, eventually. I think. I hope. UI for text has been rewired to work with the stages. In truth, the name for the boss previously was not even attached to the boss, it was what I left in the label's text field and since there was only one boss I didn't need to connect it. But I've done it now and I do like it! 

Big wins, next up will either be more polish or some player stuff I think!

Files 12 MB
Nov 15, 2024

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